Kutano™ is a control application for iPad® that makes complex audio-visual presentation, teleconferencing, and automated systems accessible to untrained users. Simply put, it’s the best way to GET your staff usING your company’s INVESTMENT IN collaborative technology, so you can finally see A RETURN ON YOUR INVESTMENT.
Contact us now to book a visit to our Experience Centre if you think a Kutano control solution is right for you.
Why Use Kutano?
Imagine a world without those inextricable moments staring at a screen or set of buttons bewildered by what you’re intended to do. Imagine if you could navigate technology with the same ease as you can order a meal at your favourite restaurant. Kutano’s purpose in life is to take that dream, and make it a reality for you, your staff and even guests at your office or home. We can make Kutano perfect for controlling pretty much any technology you can throw at us, so take a stab.
Kutano is built upon years of experience with integrated automation systems and AV facilities. The building blocks that comprise the back end were developed around the framework of the most common components in the automation industry, like video distribution systems and digital signal processors, and lighting controllers. Whatever is thrown at Kutano, it’s able to react with a thoughtful and intuitive control scheme. Relying on existing modules also makes deploying Kutano relatively easy in most projects. That said, where new ground must be broken, our team are eager to build new functionality onto Kutano.
The fabric of our approach to controlling complex systems surrounds an unwavering pursuit of the simplest, most reduced procedures possible. Wherever there is a possibility that something could be unclear to someone who’s just picked it up, we break it down into simple steps. If there’s something physical to handle, we’ll show you with a picture where to find it. But perhaps the best way to cast the simplest possible experience is the removal of useless, irrelevant detail and controls altogether. When an experience is a perfect balance between reduction and communication, it’s like a conversation that’s to the point.
Because Kutano is tied directly to Xprt Integration, it’s ours to govern. If a client requires an entirely new control approach because they’ve reinvented the wheel, Kutano is the ideal vehicle to control it. The team who built and still administer Kutano are highly skilled and draw together backgrounds in education, UX design, cognition, computer science, and graphic communication. We have the chops to tackle whatever you can throw at us and the will to perfect a control experience no matter what it takes, because we understand that the greatest challenge with technology is its complicated nature.

Kutano is a proprietary control application that’s at the heart of the integrated systems produced by Xprt Integration in BC, Canada. The benefit of having our own control platform is one that’s felt by those who work with Xprt to create an integrated system, through a full cycle design and deployment process.
How Can YOU get Kutano?
This app requires the involvement of a qualified automation installer or dealer in order to deploy. If you’re interested in exploring if Xprt is an operation that you’re like to work with, visit us here. We’re excited to see our platform grow laterally, so if you feel your operation or home might benefit from this top-echelon control platform, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Our Other Apps
We’re not a one-trick pony. The team at Xprt Integration are adept at responding with a creative solution to various problems experienced by our clientele. When the solution is one that’s best served by an app that can harness various needs at once we generally look to our development team to craft a targeted app.
Kubuni is an app designed to act as the heart of control for household automation. The first app developed by Xprt Integration, Kubuni formed the basis for the creation of Kutano, but differs from it in a key way. Whereas Kutano is designed to walk an untrained user through the setup of foreign systems, Kubuni is designed to allow a homeowner the easiest possible access to the full breadth of their home’s functionality.
Xprt’s history is in IT support, and we still work with many clients that rely on us for technical support of all kinds. IssueReport was developed for our clients to ease the burden of reporting a pressing problem by making it as easy as pressing a button and shooting a video of what’s happening. The app then uploads that video to a management system that alerts us, and prioritizes the response effort. Faster, easier, and more effective – it’s good technology at its best.
Contact Us
We’re always happy to entertain, so if you’re in our neck of the woods, or would like us to come visit you, please reach out. Our Experience Centre in North Vancouver, BC is always ready for guests.